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  • The importance of cyber security for your organisation

    How to protect your company against cyber attacks


The importance of cyber security for your organisation

01 maart 2022


Cyber security requires multiple layers and techniques and can become very complex. When it comes to cyber attacks, the question is not if but when. That’s why our cyber model is built around three core pillars: people, technology and procedures.

Find out more about our cyber model and the importance of cyber security for your organisation here: 

However, technological protection measures alone are not enough to protect your organization against hackers.

The most common cyber-attacks are hackers who attempt to deceive your employees in order to obtain confidential information. These kinds of attacks (Phishing) are becoming increasingly sophisticated and targeted. 

BDO offers an AI driven Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) that challenges the behaviour of the targeted employees and their responsiveness to phishing. By providing training and raising awareness, we strengthen your cyber security.

Let's talk cyber!

Reach out to one of our Risk Advisory experts Francis Oostvogels or Nick Huysmans if you have any questions.